Penny is Burning ! Ah !

ah ah ah hot hot hot this is so hot

burning it burns oh the pain it burns

this is where the photos and animations will go

i would like the site to be orange or some colour other than white also

words express the shape of the soul and the shape of my soul is on fire.

flames which engulf reveal an outline close to the shape of man but not quite there.

when you are burning you are dying. a person who is hot inside is like a denizen in hell, a hungry ghost, or an asura. such a person is always dying because the attachment to ego - to 'I' is not yet extinct. the word nibbana means to cool off. extinguish the flames inside and become enlightened.

the shape of your individualised soul will dissapear and be replaced with cool water.

there are more bodies lying in wait behind this one only they are currently invisible to the human eye